Thursday, September 2, 2010

Oh Frig!

So, this weekend is Fathers Day right? (don't sit there and nod condescendingly, as if no one had to remind you) and yes I only remembered last Sunday, so I thought a week was cutting it pretty fine to get a Fathers Day present together, until today Mum reminded me that TOMORROW is my fathers BIRTHDAY! HIS FREAKING BIRTHDAY, HIS DAY OF BIRTH, HIS ANNIVERSARY OF BEING BORN! B.I.R.T.H.D.A.Y......and I clean forgot, geez I hope he likes brownies cos a quick glance in the pantry and an even quicker glance in my wallet tells me that that's all dads going to get.

I just hope it doesn't take away from his Fathers Day gift, I was planning on making him some homemade cream filled chocolates, which I think will go down nicely. But now I'm just worried that it'll seem like I'm trying to make up for forgetting his birthday. Frig. And no, I don't have to be concerned about him finding out via my blog, he's not a follower, I'd like to say that it's because he's not really internet savvy, but I have too many friends who'd take a little too much pleasure in correcting me and re-assuring me that, No, Dad probably has better things to do with his a life for instance (even so it'd be the first time any of you decided to use the comment section.....moles)

Lizzy and Kim came over to watch Blind Side tonight, flip I love that movie, a good time spent downing cancerous confectionary and commenting on Sandra Bullock's amazing hair and wardrobe in that movie (she looks good as a pastel wearing blonde)

And the start of what should be an "interesting" weekend has begun.


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