Is the fashion, not the fashion that I see in stores or worn by the big personalities on the train or strolling through Omotesando, I mean my own. The undeniable excuse to be as bombastic, or as chic as I please on any given day, I guess like most people you go out with the anticipation that you'll simultaneously be a show stopping, breath taking, make strangers on the street stop and stare as you walk past type of deal, but you'll have the security that no matter what you're wearing you'll blend in with everyone else who intends on making the exact same impression. I don't know, it would take a series of novels to explain away the mentality behind city fashion, especially a city like Tokyo.
But in the last week (one in which I have been dreadful in updating you all on) I have had a few glorious opportunities to get all "dressed up", even if the opportunities were short lived. I won't lie, I'm a through and through fashion lover and admirer, I love how there is almost a science behind it, the way you can study the almost hereditary influence one decade has on another.
On Thursday Kim invited me to a dinner, without meaning to sound pretentious I'll give you a formulated opinion on the place. It's the type of establishment that in an overly formulaic way tries to appeal to the younger crowd under the whole "artistic/ indie" umbrella but doesn't really get there. Upon entering you get the slight impression that the owners seem to assume that a lot of black paint, some low hung ceiling lamps and mismatched furniture are all you need to make a place trendy. In some cases this might work, I've seen it work, but like most things that teeter on that thin line of make or break, it can also be disastrous. I wouldn't call the place a total loss, the food was good, the atmosphere was a little bit "renovated back shed", and to be honest it's the type of place that is easy to get comfortable in, the same way you get comfortable in that distant aunt who you never see's lounge room, doable, but possibly not re-doable.
The choice colour of the night, as Dave seemed to make note of, was black, I don't know what it is but my group of friends seem to favour the colour in an almost fetish like way, for all the world we looked like a flock of crows as we ascended the steps to the second floor of the restaurant where the others were waiting. I'd come in a car with Luke, Kim, Dave and Kelsi, a perfect combination for light conversation, truly an amusing group of individuals. I looked swish in charcoal jeans, crisp white button up and my black double breasted coat, I decided to wear my black Hikari club boots that I feel won't have too much opportunity to see the light of day now that I'm back on the coast.
After dinner, most of the others were going across to the Coolangatta Hotel to see a band called "Art vs Science". To be dreadfully honest I'd never heard of the group before that week, and I'll just say that I and my friends have...shall we say...different tastes in music. Actually when someone asked me about the band I was relieved I didn't answer straight away, I thought they were talking about an exhibition...
Never the less I dressed appropriately just in case I made up my mind to go and see this...what ever genre of music band you'd call them. Turning up to band's show and not knowing any of the songs may seem silly to some, but to me I see it like walking into a party where you don't know anyone but the host, it's exciting. I love it, and usually the night ends with a string of new facebook friend requests heading my way, what can I say? I'm a people person.
However Kim convinced me that the tickets would be sold out so I stayed behind at the restaurant while the others moved on. I stayed and had dinner with two couples Dave and Megan and Josh and Paulina, and being the only single at the table I sat at the head so the couples could gaze into each other's eyes (young love, isn't it I'm joking, or am I just bitter?)
To cut a long story short, dinner was nice, drove home with Dave and hit a kangaroo on the way.
I went to Generation Church's night service which is called "Basement" on Sunday. I was going to wear my new purple Jacket I'd brought on Friday when I went shopping with Lizzy, but instead opted for my grey button V-neck sweater and collared leather jacket (I indulged in giving the boots a walk again). The night was pleasant and reminded me a lot of Jesus Life House.
So my month long vacation is at an end, as of yesterday, and it's hopefully back to work for me. I'm really hoping to get into a line of work that utilizes my experience but alas, as the old saying goes, "que sera sera" what ever will be, will be.